Digital Minister Kono's press conference (April 25, 2023)

Minister Kono shares information on the impact of a system update over golden week on the "My Number" card functionalities

Summary of Digital Minister Kono's press conference

April 25, 2023 (Tuesday) from 8:40 to 8:48 (House of Representatives, Annex, 4th floor)

Summary of remarks

We would like to inform you that some procedures related to the "My Number" card will be suspended during Golden Week.

Due to a planned upgrade to the system related to electronic certificates on the "My Number" card, some procedures will be partially unavailable during the Golden Week period from April 29 (Sat.) to May 7 (Sun.). During this period the only  regular weekdays will be May 1 (Mon.) and 2 (Tue.), I believe, but as there will be a partial suspension of services, we would like to inform you of this.

Specifically, new issuance, renewal, and revocation of electronic certificates at the municipal office, then changing the registered name on the card, changing the address on the card when moving within the municipality, unlocking, initializing, and resetting the PIN on the card. These procedures will not be possible during the period mentioned above. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would like to ask you to complete the procedures after the holidays.

Other procedures, such as applying for and receiving your card at the municipal office, are possible. You can also change the address of the card when you move in from outside the municipality. Also, services using the card, such as the use of the card as a health insurance card, automatic issuance of documents at convenience stores, application for "MyNaPoints", and use of "MyNa Portal", will be available during the period, and the Digital Agency will provide information to ensure it is clear which procedures are unavailable.

With this system upgrade, adding "My Number" card functionality to smartphones will begin on May 11 as scheduled. We will start with Android first. You will be able to use the "My Number" Portal service without having to read your "My Number" card every time you use it. We are planning to gradually update functionalities such as convenience store document issuance, use as a health insurance card, and private enterprise services so that a physical "My Number" card will no longer be necessary.

In addition, on May 16, we will start a service to provide access to "basic 4" type information (Name, Sex, Address, DoB). This is a public service on top of the personal authentication functionality to e.g. allow financial institutions and various private businesses to obtain the address of a customer after the customer moves, assuming the business obtains the consent of the individual. If a business utilizes this service and the individual agrees, there is no need to then inform the business of a new address. We hope that both businesses and individuals will actively use this service, as it is a very convenient for both parties.

Editor's note: The summary is a verbatim transcript of Minister Kono's remarks.

Question and answer session

(Question) Just to confirm one point in your opening statement: During the holidays, I think there will be an increase in the number of people using the "My Number" card to issue proof of vaccination certificates to use while traveling. Will this functionality work?

(Answer) Yes, that will not be a problem.

(Q) Yesterday, the government held a meeting hosted by the Cabinet Office to discuss how to utilize "Generative AI". As Minister, what kind of uses do you see for this technology?

(Answer) The Cabinet Personnel Bureau will put out a call for ideas on how it could be used in each government office in the reform of work practices of civil servants work. I think there are many things that cannot be done immediately. I think there are some things that cannot be done without dealing with various issues first, but we will make sure to work on this.

(Q) What are some of the ideas that you personally have in mind?

(A) Rather than me saying anything about it, I would prrefer that each ministry and agency voice their opinions.

(Q) You are currently working on an Android-based "My Number" card, but what are the prospects for other operating systems, and what are the Minister's plans for a potential time frame?

(A) We are currently negotiating with Apple regarding iOS, and we have already agreed to develop the functionality. It's simply a problem of time and we would like proceed as soon as possible.

(Q) By the way, does the Minister use Android?

(A) That's a secret.

(Q) I would like to ask you about the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting this weekend. The issue at hand is how to utilize and regulate "Generative AI", and I belive it is important to read large amounts of accurate data in order to create a highly accurate AI. From this point of view, I think there is a link with the discussion on DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) in terms of collecting data beyond national borders to create more accurate AI. What are your thoughts on the relationship between AI and DFFT, and what you would like to discuss at the summit?

(A) Of course, DFFT is necessary to improve the accuracy of AI, but first of all, the majority of data fed to current AI models is in English, so I think it is a very big issue how we think about data in Japanese in the future. In addition, when I met with King Abdullah of Jordan recently, he told me that the input of Arabic data, for example, is also lagging behind, so what should we do about data in languages other than English? I think this is a very important issue on a different level.

This is a translation of